Feature Request - Simpler Altitude Planning


Well-known member
Official iFly Beta User
Dec 5, 2023
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Living in Boise, ID, we are in a valley so pretty much every which way we go there are mountains. So when planning a VFR flight I create my route based on valleys and roads to reduce risk and maintain a flight path over safe terrain.

I would like to propose a UI change to the Altitude Planning select button. When in 'Flight Plan' and clicking on 'More Options->Altitude Planning' I propose it should bring up just the map (remove the pop-up overlay) with a slider for altitude. This way the user could set an altitude, see terrain colors, then drag/drop route as needed for safest route.
Seems like a good idea.

I'd also like to have an easy, clearly marked way to set departure time. Right now it's hit or miss.