Obstacle Info


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Official iFly Beta User
May 23, 2023
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Version 13.1 on an IOS iPhone 13 and iPad. Previously, if I selected an obstacle it would pop up info on the obstacle. I know previously it was very position sensitive but I tried many selection points and zoomed in with no luck. Was demoing IFly to a student who just purchased it. Nice feature for low flying aircraft. Has this feature gone away? I also seem to remember the Nearby function would show obstacles but that is not happening now.
Previously, if I selected an obstacle it would pop up info on the obstacle. I know previously it was very position sensitive but I tried many selection points and zoomed in with no luck. ... Has this feature gone away?
Tap on the obstacle on the map. In the QuickView menu, tap "More Options". Tap "Obstruction Info".

As you mentioned, it is very location-sensitive. I seem to get best results if I tap right on the dot at the base of towers, for instance. Even a few pixels off might register "no obstacle" or sometimes a different obstacle (like a smaller nearby obstacle that's not actually charted).

I can't speak to whether obstacles were ever included under the NRST button. I don't recall that, but I also don't use NRST very often.