Some might not be aware that the EFIS has something like 15 different sizes in addition to full screen and half screen--so it's a lot more versatile than you might at first imagine. Mine is configured so that there are in effect three EFIS states: full screen, half screen, and one of the larger diminished sizes. I ordinarily keep it in that diminished state--just large enough that I can see where I want to go, but not taking up much of the screen. If I'm heading for a particular airport or custom waypoint, that flag serves as a heading bug that I don't have to set. A quick glance tells me whether I'm on course or not.
When I really want synthetic vision, I'll tap that diminished window and it instantly enlarges. Tap again if I want the full screen view or revert to diminished.
But I use iFly mainly for navigation--so those flags in EFIS are useful to me and never in the way of something else. I almost never use iFly for its artificial horizon. A trusty old Dynon D10A is much better as a primary flight instrument, where I look for airspeed, altitude, attitude, AOA, and so on.