Add GTX345 ADSB Integration


Well-known member
Official iFly Beta User
Dec 5, 2023
Reaction score
In Foreflight it pulls ADSB info via BT from my GTX345, but with iFly it tries to pull it from my Avidyne, which doesn't work near as well. The Avidyne ADS info from the GTX is limited, so this is a critical feature in my EFB app. I know right now there isn't open comm between Garmin and Adventure Pilot, but hopefully this will change in the future.
I know right now there isn't open comm between Garmin and Adventure Pilot, but hopefully this will change in the future.
Unfortunately, you should not hold your breath. Garmin will need to agree to play nice with Adventure Pilot for this integration to occur, and to date they have shown no inclination to do so.
I figure as much, I am just SO bummed because I love iFly but need traffic detail, but since it is not available on Avidyne then it isn't available on iFly. And I don't want to have to buy a separate ADS box so maybe I need to run Garmin Pilot on one iPad and iFly on the other. :(
I just spoke with Garmin and they recommended anyone interested in this feature should reach out via this form:

I just filled it out and requested that they publish their Bluetooth standard for the GTX345 so that more GA pilots can fly safer by pairing an industry-leading transponder with any of the EFB apps on the market.
Weird, I just flew today and was getting n-numbers in iFly! Not sure why, but just happy they are there. This was a feature in FF that was missed...until now!

Weird, I just flew today and was getting n-numbers in iFly! Not sure why, but just happy they are there.
Tail numbers are (and have been--they're not new) present at certain zoom levels. Zoom out too far and they go away.
I just spoke with Garmin and they recommended anyone interested in this feature should reach out via this form:

I just filled it out and requested that they publish their Bluetooth standard for the GTX345 so that more GA pilots can fly safer by pairing an industry-leading transponder with any of the EFB apps on the market.
I just submitted the same request via that link.
