Altitude Tape Instrument with Altitude Alert


Sep 23, 2023
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Add a vertical Altittude Tape Instrument to display altitude and selected (bug) altitude. allow it to follow the flight plan altitudes or tap to open window to enter temporary altitude manually. Dynamic scale for level flight vs altitude change mode. Flash alert when off altitude by selectable margin, or when change in flight plan altitude, and scale out to show new altitude.
The horizontal course tape is a perfect and easy graphical instrument for maintaining course corrections. Without an autopilot, a similar vertical instrument would do the same for altitude. Easier than reading and comparing two numeric fields, or even reading a calculated deviation field, because the rate of movement would be visible in graphical tape, as it is on the horizontal.
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Alt Tape and bug already exists in instrument selection dialog. I have that, Gspeed and Vspeed tapes displayed on my EFIS presentation. Lots of customization capabilities...try em out.,😊