Yes, but the tablet app doesn't work that way. Without an active subscription, the tablet app reverts to a time-limited trial/demo mode.
I suspected that was the case, unfortunately. I asked the question in the spirit of pointing out yet another significant difference between the new dedicated device, and the 7XX units.
How does this dedicated(?) tablet compare to the now no longer sold iFly 740b.
It's not a hypothetical question... It directly pertains to whether those of use with 740's should even consider replacing them with the new iFly tablet.
I thought the ability to continue using the 7XX units without a subscription was a nice feature. While it wouldn't be legal, as you wouldn't have current maps, even out dated maps are better than no maps at all.
Perhaps I was on a trip when my subscription expired?
What if I can no longer fly real airplanes, but want to use iFly with a flight simulator?
There are probably other "What If"'s that we could dream up, and I doubt I, or anyone else, would drop iFly for not having this feature, but it was a unique ability.
I'd love to see a side-by-side feature compassion (comparison?)... as well as real world reviews from folks who have used the 740 for years.
What kind of real world review information are you looking for? I've had iFly since they sold their first units.