Approach Procedures don't have all transitions active


Dec 15, 2023
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I was trying to load an approach procedure for STC RNAV 31 and am not able to select all IAF options. Anyone else have similar issue?
This has been an ongoing issue for at least 3 years. About a 50/50 chance all of the IAFs are listed here in Central FL. For this reason, I dont use iFLY for flying in IMC. Just checked KLEE and all 3 of the approaches are missing at least one IAF. I agree, file a bug, but the ones I have submitted continue to be issues.
I file IFR almost every time I fly, and routinely use iFly to access procedures. I have seen occasional hiccups in procedures that have been quickly fixed when brought to AP's attention.

Persistent and wide-spread problems with IAPs or other IFR procedures is something I had not heard of, and I suspect AP is also not aware of. I am certain they would want to fix that if they were aware of it. I am guessing that either your reports didn't make it through the filter to folks who understood the problem, perhaps because the person filtering did not grasp what you were trying to tell them. Some of the folks involved in that filtering are no longer part of that process, so I would encourage you to try to report that problem again and see if you get any better attention this time.
I file IFR almost every time I fly, and routinely use iFly to access procedures. I have seen occasional hiccups in procedures that have been quickly fixed when brought to AP's attention.

Persistent and wide-spread problems with IAPs or other IFR procedures is something I had not heard of, and I suspect AP is also not aware of. I am certain they would want to fix that if they were aware of it. I am guessing that either your reports didn't make it through the filter to folks who understood the problem, perhaps because the person filtering did not grasp what you were trying to tell them. Some of the folks involved in that filtering are no longer part of that process, so I would encourage you to try to report that problem again and see if you get any better attention this time.
Brian is aware of the issue and I would categorize this more than a hiccup. This has been a long running bug. See the post from SnF #7 While now gone, I discussed it with Brolin many times. Frankly, I would love for IFLY to be a viable IFR product for me, but there are still a few showstoppers.

If you look at APs home airport. KTKI, 2 of the 4 approaches are missing IAFs. (VOR A, and ILS18). I randomly picked another airport in TX, KGTU and 2 of the 4 approaches are missing IAF. Happy for someone to show me an airport that allows you to pick all of the IAFs and not the published feeder.
Brian is aware of the issue and I would categorize this more than a hiccup. This has been a long running bug. ... I randomly picked another airport in TX, KGTU and 2 of the 4 approaches are missing IAF.
KGTU happens to be one of the airports I fly to often, and in fact they often require me to fly IAPs from IAFs (i.e., no vectors) even in severe-clear conditions. I now understand your comment...but I'm not sure I understand why it's "more than a hiccup". Perhaps the behavior could be more intuitive, but it is possible, even easy, to construct a flight plan using any IAF. The IAFs are not "missing".

After adding the procedure with the extra feeder waypoint that is ahead of the IAF you really want, return to the FP, tap the button to expand the procedure, and either delete the feeder waypoint (if you haven't been cleared direct to the IAF yet) or else tap the "Direct" button next to the IAF. (@TMcD, does this address your original question?)

That behavior is really enough to prevent iFly from being a viable IFR product for you?
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When I fly IFR it is usually due to it is IMC somewhere along the route and it is usually single pilot. I always use an EFB to back up the procedure. I fly 2 IFR capable aircraft, One has a pair of G430 and another with an Avidyne 440. They all use IAF as the selection for an approach, not the feeder fix. I can not remember a time where a controller called out a feeder fix when referring to an approach.

I now understand that I can pick a feeder route and then expand the approach then delete the feeder fix to have the same one click process that I have on my IFR Navigators and other EFBs. I stand by that making the approach phase overly complex is not conducive to the way I fly.
I have an IFD 540. FWIW, I find the inability to remove waypoints in an IAP, STAR, or SID in the IFD not conducive to the way I fly. I find that behavior a much bigger deal than iFly's situation, because it often means that at some specific window during my flight, I need to remember to take some manual action to match the clearance I've been given (fly direct from an en route waypoint to an intermediate waypoint on the STAR, for instance).

I understand your argument that tapping through all the possible IAFs (and feeders?) for an IAP is easier than choosing a feeder and then modifying the FP to match the IAF you're cleared to. However, in my experience I can do that during a benign time well ahead of actually reaching the IAP so that when I do get there, iFly's already set up for exactly what I need to do. In contrast, with the IFD I can't just "set it and forget it", since it requires me to take some action when I actually reach the IAP entry point.

I guess ain't nuthin' gonna please everyone...
After adding the procedure with the extra feeder waypoint that is ahead of the IAF you really want, return to the FP, tap the button to expand the procedure, and either delete the feeder waypoint (if you haven't been cleared direct to the IAF yet) or else tap the "Direct" button next to the IAF. (@TMcD, does this address your original question?)
Yes, this is exactly what I have been doing. Just a bit more work when hand flying in IFR without AP. The little things help.....