iFly EFB Support on Smart Watches

Jaydon Beacham

Staff member
Official iFly Beta User
May 10, 2023
Reaction score
Hi everyone!

We're curious as to any thoughts you all would have on iFly being supported on smart watches.
Is this something that you all would be in favor of?

The main questions we have about this would be:
What kind of smartwatches do you all currently use or would like to be supported?
What specific features or parts of iFly would you want available on a smart watch?: E.g. Alerts, flight plans, full navigation, etc.
Any feedback or suggestions on this would be appreciated!
I don't have a smart watch, therefore can't see what feature(s) could be enhanced by a smart watch. Actually, sitting here and imagining what a smart watch might be able to do. Perhaps an alert IF the smartwatch can accurately monitor Blood Oxygen levels, AND if it could output those values to iFly, perhaps an alert could pop up on the iFly tablet screen when the level gets below some pilot determined level. It would save the pilot checking the smartwatch/Pulse oximeter every several minutes.

However, like Cobra, I think there is a plentiful list of features that have been requested, many that are already provided by one or more competitors, that need to be addressed and implemented before yet another one, or ten are added.
Perhaps an alert IF the smartwatch can accurately monitor Blood Oxygen levels, AND if it could output those values to iFly, perhaps an alert could pop up on the iFly tablet screen when the level gets below some pilot determined level. It would save the pilot checking the smartwatch/Pulse oximeter every several minutes.
Except that smartwatches have vibration motors in them. Why would it be important to show the alert on iFly instead of having the watch buzz and you could just look at it?
There are so many mainstream features that need to be addressed before spinning off into narrowly focused bells and whistles:
ADSB & FIS-B as Cobra pointed out
More complete flight plan calculations and presentation
Copy & Paste

But really glad to see the recent work on NMEA output!

Best, John
Why would it be important to show the alert on iFly instead of having the watch buzz

It wouldn't be important, and apparently redundant. Like I said, I don't have a smart watch, so I didn't consider they could already do that. So this idea can be eliminated, and the team can resume working on the backlog of far more important features.
I use a garmin D2 and was using it with garmin pilot. I like the logging, alerts and features hat the watch can do without the app. Notification output is all that iflyEFB has to do for basic things where we can things like toc, speed alerts, leg change, etc..