"Nearest" Display

Ed N.

May 3, 2023
Reaction score
Central Florida
Along with the options to continuously display bearing and distance to next waypoint or to destination, I'd like an option to display the nearest airport that fits my filters. Obviously this would have to update continuously througout the flight, but the info is already being calculated and is accessible with the NRST button, so I don't believe it would be difficult to implement.

Having it always displayed would allow me to turn immediately toward the nearest airport in the event of an emergency without having to make multiple button pushes on the screen at a time when I might be quite busy dealing with the problem.
It would seem to me the NRST button is still your best bet. Other than that, your altitude, fuel status, engine status, headwind, tailwind, and probably a bunch of other variables will determine which airport from the list best suits your needs. Hard to imagine iFly could anticipate what your exact needs are at that moment. The new "Glide Ring" (or whatever it's called) should answer the question of which airport you can get to quickest, even if it's not the closest.
It would seem to me the NRST button is still your best bet. Other than that, your altitude, fuel status, engine status, headwind, tailwind, and probably a bunch of other variables will determine which airport from the list best suits your needs. Hard to imagine iFly could anticipate what your exact needs are at that moment. The new "Glide Ring" (or whatever it's called) should answer the question of which airport you can get to quickest, even if it's not the closest.

Yes, but all those require multiple button pushes at a time when I might be task-overloaded. I'd like the option to display it; if someone doesn't want it, they don't have to use it. And if I have time, I can still hit NRST and assess my alternatives. This wouldn't detract from any capabilities; it would just let me have an additional choice for my screen displays.