should iFly connect update software version on 740b?


Apr 20, 2023
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Subject pretty much says it all. I could swear iFly connect used to update software versions, but maybe I'm mistaken. Today I added a cheap no sim cell phone running iFly EFB to the panel in addition to the 740b. It was the first time I've seen the glide range feature, but it was only on the phone, not the 740b. I do regular updates using iFly Connect and SD cards, but the 740b is still on 11.x software. I'm assuming I'll have to bring the 740b home and do the update via wifi?


PS- I have another 740b and updated it via wifi today. It's still on 11.x software. Is that just the latest available for the 740b?
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iFly Connect does update software, if there is any software to update. The 740 software is no longer being updated, however, due to the obsolescence of the WindowsCE OS that device uses. There are no plans to stop providing data updates, so you can continue to use 7xx devices indefinitely.

Adventure Pilot is focusing all future development on the iOS, Android, and Windows platforms.
I just used iFly connect on my 740B. Kinda painful, and painfully surprised to find no airport diagrams for Colorado! Nor did I see anything suggesting any iFly firmware updates were ever available for download.

1. Comments on the above observations?

2. Where can I see what the latest firmware versions are?

3. How do I update firmware?

As a closing comment, my iFly GPS usually "locks up" upon initial power up, at various stages of woke. It has also locked up mid-flight, once even as I turned downwind into a Class C airport destination. Generally 1-3 power resets will clear the problem. It has done this from the initial purchase, a year ago. Customer service said to return with a fee to be charged to fix it, and an indeterminate wait time. I note the new iFly about to be offered, and some good comments. I am just worried about the "fool me twice" aspect with its purchase. A better display is certainly needed as I usually fly my gyro as open cockpit, and rarely cross-country.

Thanks for listening!
I just used iFly connect on my 740B. Kinda painful, and painfully surprised to find no airport diagrams for Colorado! Nor did I see anything suggesting any iFly firmware updates were ever available for download.

1. Comments on the above observations?
I am away from home for the holidays and don't have access to my 720 or its SD card, so can't pull up iFly Connect to follow in your footsteps. However, I would be surprised if there are no airport diagrams. I would suggest you review the list of download options again.

2. Where can I see what the latest firmware versions are?
I feel your pain, here. It's always been harder-than-it-should-be to find the latest production software version for iFly. However, if I recall correctly, one of the options at the top of the download list should be "Software" or "Firmware" or "Software update" or something intuitive like that. If you make sure that box is checked, then you will get the latest software version. If you have it checked and you don't see a software download at the start of the process, then you must already have the latest.

Note that AP announced a year or two ago that they would no longer be developing new features for the iFly Portable (7xx-series) devices, so you should not expect to see any new software for your 740b going forward. For some brief history on this topic, you can read this post.

3. How do I update firmware?
See above.

As a closing comment, my iFly GPS usually "locks up" upon initial power up, at various stages of woke. It has also locked up mid-flight, once even as I turned downwind into a Class C airport destination. Generally 1-3 power resets will clear the problem. It has done this from the initial purchase, a year ago. Customer service said to return with a fee to be charged to fix it, and an indeterminate wait time.
I am sorry you've had that experience, but based on years of following the iFly forums, that is not a common complaint. I would guess you were just unfortunate to get a bum device.

I note the new iFly about to be offered, and some good comments. I am just worried about the "fool me twice" aspect with its purchase.
The new device (the "iFly EFB Aviation Tablet") is already available for sale, here:

Note that this is an Android-based tablet, and its primary benefit over other Android tablets is that AP intends to enable NMEA output to drive autopilots and other NMEA-consuming devices via a serial cable output (the iFly EFB software needs to be updated to include that capability). If you do not require NMEA output, then you could chose any Android or iOS tablet you prefer.

Several users here have begun using a ruggedized Android tablet designed for outdoor use (bright screen, tolerant of high temperatures, beefy chassis, etc.) made by Tripletek, and feedback so far has been positive. You may want to read through the later responses in this thread (this is a direct link to where the thread focus shifts to Tripletek details):

Note that neither the iFly EFB Aviation Tablet nor the Tripletek device share any hardware in common with the older 7xx-series iFly Portable devices.
I use iFly Connect and I just put my SD card in to check. The only thing showing is the daily Weather & TFR update. The rest of my card is up to date until this map cycle runs out.

However, when my map data is out of date, it will show in the list and allow me to check/uncheck which ever items I want to load on my device.

If there is a new software version for iFly 740 it will show up here as well. I tried having the program show Production, or Beta, on the same time. That meant I had to open the iFly Connect program, select Beta, see no software updates, shut it down, start iFly Connect again, select Production, and still I see no updates. I can only guess that iFly Connect considers the last Beta version and the current Production version to be the same.

If that's what you meant by firmware updates, it seems your 740b has the latest version.

If, by firmware, you mean whatever AP put on the 7XX devices to make that Windows CE device an iFly dedicated device, I don't know that that type of update was ever done, or it was done through the various iFly version updates.
As a closing comment, my iFly GPS usually "locks up" upon initial power up, at various stages of woke. It has also locked up mid-flight, once even as I turned downwind into a Class C airport destination. Generally 1-3 power resets will clear the problem. It has done this from the initial purchase, a year ago. Customer service said to return with a fee to be charged to fix it, and an indeterminate wait time. I note the new iFly about to be offered, and some good comments. I am just worried about the "fool me twice" aspect with its purchase. A better display is certainly needed as I usually fly my gyro as open cockpit, and rarely cross-country.
I have had this issue quite often, was every 10-15 flights and once it started it was on most flights. Would just lock up or freeze. I have traced it back to corrupt files on the sd card. Rebuilding the card fixes it. My 740 has a bum battery, so it won’t stay alive long after the master is switched off, which seems to cause the corruption. I now manually power it off before shutting the master off.