Terrain window on 740b


May 25, 2023
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I recently switched to Adventure Pilot from Foreflight, primarily because of the ability to have a NMEA output to a AP. The 740b is acceptable in function for the most part, but I really do not care for the Terrain Window in the middle of the lower part of the screen. This window, at least on my unit, is on the screen above the button line and intrudes into usable map area. I get it that this window has some value in some areas and under certain conditions. Is there a setting that will remove it from the screen or at least put it in the string of buttons?
Dave G
I don't have a 740 but I think all you need to do is to edit the instruments to remove it. Click on the Inst Group button in the lower right, then customize. Click on the instrument you want to move or delete. Drag to move, click the delete instrument button to make it go away. Click the Add Instrument button to see what all you can pick from. Arrange as desired. I think the instrument you are referring to is the Vertical Profile which shows the terrain and airspace directly in front of you at what ever distance you select by clicking on it.

Also, note that when you click on the Inst Group button you are presented with some default choices of Basic, HSI, Extended and Blank. You can also create your own layout schemes. I have my Basic scheme set up for local VFR flying with just a few instruments across the top for Gnd Speed, Flt Duration, timers, Traffice, EFIS, Track, Distance Final (set to my home airport) and Bearing Final. For cross country VFR I use the extended and have customized it to have additional waypoint information.

Thanks Tony,
I tried your suggestion on my ipad application with success. Later today I will see if it works on the 740b.
Dave G.
You can also move it anywhere you like and change its size. With some instruments, you can also change the color.