VFR Pattern Entry - ala Foreflights Procedure Advisor

Hi - welcome to iFly and the forums. The feature you highlighted may be similar to the traffic pattern flow (left/right) found in iFly when one looks at the airport info or expands the runways. I looked at the link you posted - I'm sorry, but I don't see much more info provided for VFR traffic pattern entry into an non-towered airport than exists in iFly.

Which windows version isn't working for you? I'm running 13.2.27 on Win 11 and it runs flawlessly. There may be some bugs with a "newer" beta version, but afaik 13.2.27 works well on win11.
Foreflight's is quite a bit different. They also have 'on map' L/R pattern indication, but when approaching an airport, in procedures, you can choose the pattern entry that makes the most sense on your position relative to the preferred runway...For example, you can chose 45 degree, tear drop, mid field cross over and it automatically plots the course on the map. Scroll down to the Traffic Pattern on the page linked earlier. Here's a link to the image: https://support.foreflight.com/hc/article_attachments/360094811174

13.2.27 would open then immediately quit on Windows, 13.2.28, doesn't even bother opening. Seems others are having issues too. Odd.