If you Google aircraft empty weight, your first return is this:
"Standard empty weight (GAMA)—aircraft weight that consists of the airframe, engines, and all items of operating equipment that have fixed locations and are permanently installed in the aircraft, including fixed ballast, hydraulic fluid, unusable fuel, and full engine oil." https://www.faa.gov › mediaPDF Chapter 10: Weight and Balance.
Given that GAMA and FAA agree on that, why does the new W&B feature in iFlyEFB insist that category/tab & the weight of unusable fuel be included... essentially doubling the near-20# offset and forcing an unnecessary calculation error?
Please DELETE the 'Unusable Fuel' category/tab. If you must address it, include an *statement that BEW includes unusable fuel AND full oil.
Please add your UP vote to help make this happen.
"Standard empty weight (GAMA)—aircraft weight that consists of the airframe, engines, and all items of operating equipment that have fixed locations and are permanently installed in the aircraft, including fixed ballast, hydraulic fluid, unusable fuel, and full engine oil." https://www.faa.gov › mediaPDF Chapter 10: Weight and Balance.
Given that GAMA and FAA agree on that, why does the new W&B feature in iFlyEFB insist that category/tab & the weight of unusable fuel be included... essentially doubling the near-20# offset and forcing an unnecessary calculation error?
Please DELETE the 'Unusable Fuel' category/tab. If you must address it, include an *statement that BEW includes unusable fuel AND full oil.
Please add your UP vote to help make this happen.