Devices Won't Link to IFD440


Well-known member
Official iFly Beta User
Dec 5, 2023
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I have two iPads that I am trying to link to my Avidyne (which is linked to my Garmin GTX345) to get traffic. I get other data from the Avidyne but no traffic information. I've tried using both the automatic and Avidyne ADS-B link and neither work.

You can see in the attached photos that my Avidyne shows the traffic but my iFly app does not.



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I have an IFD540 and did a lot of testing with AP when this feature was being developed, so I may be able to help, with the caveat that I'm an Android guy and have no experience with iOS.

First: When you selected "Avidyne" in the list of wireless devices, did you read through the notes that were provided? Did you follow the troubleshooting options that were listed? What were the results? (The notes provided there explain that using the "Automatic" wireless device selection will not work with Avidyne, btw.)

If you've already read through the notes and tried the recommended troubleshooting, then let's start back at the beginning so AP and I can follow in your footsteps. Make sure the "ADSB Status" instrument is added to your display (Inst Group > Add Instrument), then please provide some more information:
  1. What is the software version on your Avidyne?
  2. Are you connecting the iPad to your IFD's wifi network, or are you connecting both the IFD and the iPad to a 3rd wifi network (i.e., separate ADSB device like a Stratux or something)?
    1. If using the Avidyne network, then before you launch iFly, can you confirm the iPad is successfully connecting to the Avidyne or 3rd wifi network from within iOS?
    2. If your iPad has built-in cell capability, can you confirm that's been turned off?
  3. Once your iPad is connected to the IFD network, launch iFly and try to get iFly to attach to the IFD, then tap the ADSB Status instrument.
    1. Tap Options and select "Enable ADS-B Logger", then "Close" to go back to the ADSB Status window
    2. Confirm that the "Selected:" device is "Avidyne", or tap Options > Change Selected Device and change it to that
    3. What does it say under "Status:"?
      1. If it says "Waiting for Device", give it ~60 seconds to see if it ever goes to "Connected"
      2. If it hasn't connected after 60 seconds, try Options > Reset / Reconnect and give it another 60 seconds.
  4. If still no joy, then the next steps will be to submit a bug report for more investigation:
    1. Exit out of iFly, then relaunch it. When asked if you want to continue logging ADSB data, answer "No"
    2. Tap Menu > About > Send Bug Report, then Select Log (not Default)
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the list and look for a file starting with "Adsb".
      1. If there are multiple "Adsb" files, select the one with the date and time corresponding to this troubleshooting session
      2. If there are no "Adsb" files (which may happen if iFly completely fails to connect), then select the filename corresponding to the date/time corresponding to this troubleshooting session
    4. Complete the bug report email process, and send the email. (Your iPad will need to be connected to the Internet for the email to send, of course.)
Report your results back here.
I'm not at my plane now, but here are some add'l details. Also not an iOS guy but have them for my plane.

Avidyne FW is current 10.3.x

1. Yes, following instructions, but tried both auto-connect and Avidyne just to make sure.
2. Using the WiFi network broadcast by the IFD, and confirmed both iPads show a connection to the network.
3. Previously was told it was because I also had FF installed, so removed that from both iPads.
4. Screenshot below, just showed this on both iPads. The blue heartbeat dots moved left/right, but no counts showed for anything.
5. I will add the ADS-B instrument and logging next time I go out, and send to AP.
6. If you notice in the other screenshot below, it shows a green bar for ADS-B, which would tell me it is working?


6. If you notice in the other screenshot below, it shows a green bar for ADS-B, which would tell me it is working?
Yes, that seems odd to me. The other instrument that provides helpful insight is the "GPS Status" instrument:

Using internal GPS: 1706545147171.png
Using external GPS: 1706545168407.png
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Unfortunately, still no joy. I've tried two iPads and an Android and get connectivity errors across all three. I even tried changing my Wi-Fi settings within the Avidyne and I can connect but I cannot get ADSB connectivity. Submitted a ticket, let's hope they can help get a resolution.
Unfortunately, still no joy. I've tried two iPads and an Android and get connectivity errors across all three. I even tried changing my Wi-Fi settings within the Avidyne and I can connect but I cannot get ADSB connectivity. Submitted a ticket, let's hope they can help get a resolution.
Did you happen to note what the GPS Status instrument showed?
Weird one iPad now shows GPS and the other does not, and after an avionics reboot one iPad is receiving heartbeats but not the other. Does iFly require GPS for ADS data from Avidyne? Here is a pic of both. I am in my hangar, FYI.

Even more frustrating, the iPad is showing connected but not my phone. Argh..


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Yes, it shows connected.
Please try to be precise in describing what you see. Recall my earlier post:
The other instrument that provides helpful insight is the "GPS Status" instrument:

Using internal GPS: 1706643214011.png
Using external GPS: 1706643225701.png
By "internal GPS" I mean the host device--i.e., your iPad.
By "external GPS" I mean from whatever your ADSB source is--in your case, the Avidyne IFD.

What you want to see is the lower indication, which indicates the GPS location is coming from the Avidyne. If you don't see that, you're not "connected" to the Avidyne. (At least, not fully connected.)
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Weird one iPad now shows GPS and the other does not

View attachment 605
If you're sitting in the hangar, this is not necessarily surprising. GPS signals can be very weak indoors. If it's not hard to pull your plane out so that the cockpit (and your IFD's GPS antenna) have a clear view of the sky, it might help with your troubleshooting.
Even more frustrating, the iPad is showing connected but not my phone. Argh..
This may be frustrating, but it might be just the data AP needs to troubleshoot. I hope you're capturing ADSB logs of this from both devices and providing them to AP via bug reports (with precise descriptions of the behavior you observed).
If you encounter another situation where one (or more) of your devices shows "Connected to Avidyne" but is not receiving heartbeats, tap the ADSB Status instrument > Options > Reset / Reconnect, give it 60 seconds, and see if anything changes.
Yes, it shows connected.

I'm not at my plane now, but here are some add'l details. Also not an iOS guy but have them for my plane.

Avidyne FW is current 10.3.x

1. Yes, following instructions, but tried both auto-connect and Avidyne just to make sure.
2. Using the WiFi network broadcast by the IFD, and confirmed both iPads show a connection to the network.
3. Previously was told it was because I also had FF installed, so removed that from both iPads.
4. Screenshot below, just showed this on both iPads. The blue heartbeat dots moved left/right, but no counts showed for anything.
5. I will add the ADS-B instrument and logging next time I go out, and send to AP.
6. If you notice in the other screenshot below, it shows a green bar for ADS-B, which would tell me it is working?

View attachment 595

View attachment 594
I am responding about a year later but this seems to be a recurring problems with ifd's. They (avidyne) just did a video of how to do this (12/24) you may want to watch. I have setup multiple ifd's and gotten it to work. on the ifd in maintainence mode make sure capstone is turned on. Then in user settings make sure wifi is turned on. Turn on your wireless ads-b device and verify that it can do open ads-b mode (stratus 3 can for example). Connect the ifd to the adsb device (not the ifd's own hotspot) and then connect your ipad to the adsb wireless device (not the ifd). Go into devices on ifd and set the ip addresses you see to "always". Go back into the ipad and bringup the stratus horizonpro and in its settings make your ipad #1 and turn on open ads-b mode. Now programs on the ipad will get weather and traffic and so will the ifd and all can talk . If you use more than one ipad the second one needs to be set as ipad #2. The ifd will only work with 2 devices. If you use foreflight you must cancel when foreflight ask to go into foreflight mode - this turns off open ads-b mode and no weather or traffic will be seen by your devices other than foreflight.
I am responding about a year later but this seems to be a recurring problems with ifd's. They (avidyne) just did a video of how to do this (12/24) you may want to watch. I have setup multiple ifd's and gotten it to work. on the ifd in maintainence mode make sure capstone is turned on. Then in user settings make sure wifi is turned on. Turn on your wireless ads-b device and verify that it can do open ads-b mode (stratus 3 can for example). Connect the ifd to the adsb device (not the ifd's own hotspot) and then connect your ipad to the adsb wireless device (not the ifd). Go into devices on ifd and set the ip addresses you see to "always". Go back into the ipad and bringup the stratus horizonpro and in its settings make your ipad #1 and turn on open ads-b mode. Now programs on the ipad will get weather and traffic and so will the ifd and all can talk . If you use more than one ipad the second one needs to be set as ipad #2. The ifd will only work with 2 devices. If you use foreflight you must cancel when foreflight ask to go into foreflight mode - this turns off open ads-b mode and no weather or traffic will be seen by your devices other than foreflight.
They (avidyne) just did a video of how to do this (12/24) you may want to watch.
Where is this video? I can't seem to find it.