Recent content by Nitrodawg

  1. N

    New iFly Tablet NMEA output

    Thanks, looking forward to the new software version.
  2. N

    New iFly Tablet NMEA output

    Three questions: 1. Does the new tablet currently have the capability to output NMEA data to my Trio AP? 2. And if it does, is there anyone out there to share their experiences, good, bad or indifferent. 3. If the answer is that there is not currently that capability, is there a timeline...
  3. N

    iFly EFB Aviation Tablet Mounting Solutions

    Curtis, they might be 4mm x .7 screws.
  4. N

    NMEA Output..

    I second everything Mr. Maxwell just said!
  5. N

    Any good, bad, or interesting experiences with third-party GPS on your iPad

    Yes, I understand that ipads are not that accurate on their own, that's why I noted my use of the Dual GPS ( model XGPS160 ). Yes, I understand that WAAS enabled devices are very accurate, also why I use the Dual GPS. What I apparently didn't understand is that you were only interested in the...
  6. N

    740b affecting compass

    For anybody that might be interested, here is a rundown on what I have done to mitigate the impact of the 740b on my mechanical compass. 1. I physically moved the compass away from the gps. 2. I applied some Mu-metal to the back of the gps. At this point it appears that the relocation of...
  7. N

    Any good, bad, or interesting experiences with third-party GPS on your iPad

    Prior to purchasing my 740b I used an ipad mini (no phone capability model), Foreflight, and a Dual Electronics GPS unit. This combination always got me where I wanted to go. As far as altitude is concerned, I have never seen complete agreement between the altimeters, both mechanical and...
  8. N

    740b affecting compass

    Yes, I saw it in the instructions for PAI's balance balls ( sounds like there could be seals involved). I have just ordered some, supposed to be here Monday. I have hopes that by moving the compass further away from the 740 and using the Mu-Metal I will be able to use the new compass. Dave G
  9. N

    740b affecting compass

    Yes, So far I have tried disconnecting the 740 from the ships power, turning off the 740 with ships power disconnected with no change in the affect on the compass. I took the 740 off its mount while flying and the compass becomes accurate with 740 laying in the seat. I am reasonable sure the...
  10. N

    740b affecting compass

    My 740b and my new PAI-700 vertical card compass don't play well together. I am in the process of moving the compass further from the 740b, but have considered another option. I don't use any of the audio function so I am looking at removing the two speakers from the 740b. Has anyone done the...
  11. N

    Terrain window on 740b

    Thanks again Tony, BTW the same process worked on the 740b. Dave G
  12. N

    Terrain window on 740b

    Thanks Tony, I tried your suggestion on my ipad application with success. Later today I will see if it works on the 740b. Dave G.
  13. N

    Terrain window on 740b

    I recently switched to Adventure Pilot from Foreflight, primarily because of the ability to have a NMEA output to a AP. The 740b is acceptable in function for the most part, but I really do not care for the Terrain Window in the middle of the lower part of the screen. This window, at least on...